Spring will be here before we know it, so here are some helpful tips to consider when searching for a lawn maintenance provider this spring.

Insurance: You should request to see this from any potential lawn company.  There are many companies that advertise this, but unfortunately, it isn’t always the case that they are actually insured. It is always a smart move to request a copy of their insurance before allowing them to service your lawn.

Contracts: There are some companies that require clients to sign contracts that last year-round. This is always beneficial for the company, but it may not be a beneficial factor for you. The problem is that you could end up paying a lot during the winter months for the service you are not getting. There is nothing innately wrong with contracts, just make sure it is a contract you are okay with being in.

Equipment: Residential yards require smaller equipment than larger commercial properties. You want your lawn to be taken care of and not torn apart, most commercial mowers are fairly safe, but make sure that over-sized equipment isn’t being used on your small property. A heavy mower can tear up your lawn and create drive tracks after only a few services. It is always smart to just make sure that the equipment being used on your residential yard is of the appropriate size. However, most businesses are well aware of this before you.

Services Offered:  Try and find a company that can do multiple projects for you, instead of four separate companies servicing your property. Make sure to ask upfront what all services a company offers before doing business with them. This is especially important when entering a contract with that company. You don’t want to be making phone calls later in the season to another lawn company, because you find out that your lawn guy won’t add some mulch to your flower beds.

Employee Background Checks:  Often, lawn and landscape companies will hire who is available, which can be fine, but not always good. Any individual who sets foot on your property needs to have good character and someone you would trust to shut your gate or be around your family if you aren’t at home.  Make sure the company you go with gives good background checks on their employees and has a low rate of employee turnover.

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